The MITRE ATT&CK 2024 Roadmap: Enhancing ICS Security


In a recent article by Amy L. Robertson on Medium, excitingnews emerged for the cybersecurity community involved in safeguardingIndustrial Control Systems (ICS). The MITRE ATT&CK framework for ICS ispoised to undergo significant advancements in 2024, signaling a pivotal momentin bolstering defenses against evolving cyber threats.


Expanding Horizons: 

One of the primary objectives for MITRE ATT&CK in 2024is to broaden the horizons of ICS security. This entails enhancing assetcoverage, exploring platform scope expansion, and advancing multi-domainintegration efforts. By delving deeper into adversary behaviors through theintroduction of sub-techniques, MITRE aims to provide defenders with a morecomprehensive understanding of potential threats.


Embracing Sub-Techniques: 

A notable development in the 2024 roadmap is theintroduction of sub-techniques within the ICS domain. Similar to theircounterparts in Enterprise and Mobile environments, ICS sub-techniques willoffer a granular breakdown of attack methods. This increased granularityempowers defenders to discern the intricacies of adversary tactics, therebystrengthening detection and mitigation capabilities.


Structural Evolution: 

Nextrelease will mark a structural shake-up within the MITRE ATT&CK frameworkfor ICS, heralding the arrival of the much-anticipated sub-techniques. Thisrestructuring will involve modifications to technique names and scopes,facilitating seamless integration with other domains. By fostering a morecohesive defensive approach, MITRE aims to empower defenders on both theproactive and reactive fronts.


Asset Coverage Expansion: 

Building upon the groundwork laid in previous versions,MITRE ATT&CK v16 will feature expanded asset coverage. This expansion aimsto provide a clearer depiction of the devices, systems, or platformssusceptible to specific attack techniques. Moreover, the introduction ofRelated Assets will highlight cross-sector links, enabling defenders toidentify shared vulnerabilities across diverse environments.


Incorporating Additional Sectors: 

Looking ahead, MITRE ATT&CK is exploring avenues toincorporate additional sectors such as maritime, rail, and electric. Byexpanding its scope to encompass a broader spectrum of critical infrastructure,MITRE seeks to equip defenders with the necessary tools and insights tosafeguard essential services and systems.



As cyber threats continue to evolve in complexity andsophistication, the MITRE ATT&CK framework remains at the forefront ofempowering defenders with actionable insights and strategies. The 2024 roadmapfor ICS underscores MITRE's commitment to enhancing security posture, fosteringcollaboration, and fortifying defenses against emerging threats. With continuedinnovation and collaboration, the cybersecurity community is poised to navigatethe evolving threat landscape with resilience and efficacy.